What You'll Find...

An Ongoing Discussion about Christ and Culture in a Post-Postmodern Context.
Resurrection-Shaped Stories from the Emmaus Road.

What They're Saying...

(about the book)
"A remarkable book. Raffi's is a dramatic and powerful story and I am privileged to have been part of it."
- N.T. Wright

(about the blog)
"Raffi gets it."
- Michael Spencer, a.k.a. The Internet Monk

Top 10 Ways to Write a Top 10 Emergent/Missional/Post-Evangelical Blog Post in 2009

Lotta buzz generated by the Top 10 Emergent/Missional/Post-Evangelical Blog Posts of 2008. TSK's shout-out didn't hurt. Not too many dissenting voices out there, as far as I've heard, so I might've hit the nail on the head for once.

The natural next question is, "How do I get my post listed in the Top 10 Emergent/Missional/Post-Evangelical Blog Posts of 2009?"

Good question.

Here's some pointers that I gleaned while looking at the posts that made the '08 List:

10. Give an example of the practical consequences of that which you are critiquing. (HT: Jared)

9. Laugh intelligently at Emergent. (HT: Jonathan)

8. Write a balanced, insightful review of a wildly popular book. (HT: BW3)

7. Laugh intelligently at Evangelicalism. (HT: ProdigalJon)

6. Get deep. (HT: Kathy)

5. Write a good post with a great title. (HT: Tom)

4. Say something unique about something common. (HT: David)

3. Bridge gaps. (HT: Eugene and Scot)

2. Rant/Vent eloquently. (HT: Michael)

1. This one's a bit derivative, because I just don't think anyone else could pull off what Tall Skinny Kiwi did: eliminating a word from the lexicon simply by using a readers' poll. So here's another, less daunting challenge, for anyone up to the task...Find a term to replace "Emergent/Missional/Post-Evangelical" (my wrists are getting tired already), one that has all the eloquence and simplicity that "Emerging Church" did. (HT: Andrew)

OK, get to work. Only 363 days until the '09 list.

Grace and Peace,

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